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SCI employs a Comprehensive Quality Review (CQR) process which includes verification of documented activities for at least one individual per Case Manager per month; a thorough review of the notes content and quality, and a thorough review of that individual’s record, person-centered plan, monitoring, and services received for the last full quarter. Individuals are selected for review as part of a random sample stratified by a Case Manager. This sampling methodology ensures the results of the year’s CQR can be generalized to the total population of individuals served with a confidence level >98% and a <2.5% margin of error. Throughout the year, our CQR supported the review of over 3,100 records, and the survey of more than 400 people we support. Through the CQR, supervisors are required to review all aspects of a Service Coordinator’s (SC’s) work on a regular basis to ensure that team members are well trained in all job responsibilities and are delivering services that are of very high quality. People we support, their families, and providers are contacted to verify the SC’s work and to learn what we are doing well and what areas we could improve on. Through this two-pronged approach, supervisors provide support, guidance, and instruction to staff reinforcing strengths and identifying areas in need of improvement in both the technical and personal aspects of their work. The CQR assesses the overall quality of the CCS service provision and the nature of the SC’s work with people, including but not limited to self-direction, person centeredness, and implementation of SCI procedures. This broad assessment of quality is accomplished through the following review components:

  • Customer Satisfaction Survey
  • Visit Verification
  • Individual Plan Review
  • Monitoring Review
  • Data Integrity and Progress Notes Review
  • Service Coordinator Competencies Review
  • Regulatory Compliance


  • 92% of people we support receive a response to their phone call or email within three business days; more than 76% are within one business day.
  • Case Managers do what they said they would do on time or well ahead of time for more than 90% of people we support.

Being Connected to Resources

  • Over 90% of people we support say they are connected to all the services and supports they need.
  • Almost 90% of people we support say their case manager tells them about or connects them to resources as often or somewhat as often as they’d like.

Knowing Me

  • Nearly 90% of people we support say their case manager knows what makes them happy and unhappy.
  • Nearly 95% of people we support agree or strongly agree their case manager treats them the way they want to be treated.

Driving solutions and developing strong relationships leads to high measures of customer loyalty. One widely accepted measure of customer loyalty across many industries is the Net Promoter Score ® (NPS). On a scale from -100 to +100, SCI’s NPS for FY2019 among people we support, their families, and guardians is +61 compared to an industry benchmark of +37, and a “high engagement” standard of +50. This is consistent with FY2018 performance and indicates continued and extremely high engagement and loyalty among those we directly support. In addition, nearly 96% of people surveyed in FY2019 said they want to continue working with their case manager.

Our focus on continual quality enhancement yielded improvements to an already strong program, demonstrated by high levels of satisfaction among the people we support:

    1. Agreed or strongly agreed their SC supports their choices about who provides their services.
    2. Agreed or strongly agreed their SC listens to their ideas and makes changes based on what they say.
    3. Agreed or strongly agreed their SC helps them get what they need/what is important to them.
    4. Agreed or strongly agreed their SC helps them and their team think about job options.
    5. Agreed or strongly agreed their SC supports them with developing relationships with people in their community (family, friends, neighbors, vendors, community leaders, church).
    6. Agreed or strongly agreed their SC helps them if there are things about their living situation that they would change (like roommates, privacy, locks, food, clothing, furnishings, decorations, freedom to come/go, access to phone, computers, visitors, where I live, etc.).
    7. Agreed or strongly agreed they are comfortable telling their SC if they have a problem or concern.
    8. Agreed or strongly agreed their SC makes a difference in their life.
    9. Agreed or strongly agreed they want to keep working with their current SC.

The DDA transitioned all SC documentation to their own database system called Long Term Supports and Services (LTSS). The transition to the LTSS system has impacted SCI’s ability to plan and accurately measure compliance. Review of data and reports available in LTSS have revealed areas of under-reported information. During FY2019, visit compliance for people receiving community coordination was at least 80.7%, at least 76.2% for people on the waiting list- crisis resolution priority, at least 71.95% for people on the waiting list- crisis prevention priority, and at least 72.1% for people on the waiting list- current request priority. Since the implementation of LTSS, nearly 60% of required Person-Centered Plans (PCP) have been completed in the LTSS system. There is a known technical issue with LTSS that prevents some PCP’s from being entered in LTSS. In those cases, the SC completes a paper version of the PCP for distribution to planning teams.