Western Maryland Region Meets for Employment Community of Practice

The Western Region Employment Community of Practice (COP) met in early February in Hagerstown for their regular quarterly meeting. 12 DDA Meaningful Day provider organizations, local Coordinators of Community Services (CCS), local Division of Rehabilitation staff, Maryland Association of Community Services (MACS) staff and DDA regional office and headquarters staff were all in attendance.
Representatives from Change, Inc., Arc of Washington County, Arc of Carroll County, Appalachian Crossroads and Community Living, Inc. all shared with the group highlights, emerging promising practices and emerging barriers from their organization’s transformation efforts.
Michael Planz (CLI), Jennifer Mettrick (Change, Inc.) and Michael Shriver (Change, Inc) facilitated large and small group conversation and SWOT analysis focused on ways to increase provider collaboration when supporting people working and spending their days in the community. These are important conversations as people’s supports move beyond the more traditional day program model.
If you are would like to join the Western Maryland Employment Community of Practice, you can get on their mailing list by contacting the COP chair person, Randy Kiser at rayk@communitylivinginc.org.