The LifeCourse Key Principles 1

At SCI, we believe in A World for Everyone – a world of inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility. To achieve this, we’re continually enhancing our service delivery and systems for Maryland residents, closely incorporating the Charting the LifeCourse framework.
The Charting the LifeCourse framework [link:], according to its website, is “an authentic grassroots activity, driven by the core belief that ‘all people have the right to live, love, work, play and pursue their life aspirations.’”
Part of the framework is eight LifeCourse Key Principles, which follows one of the CtLC’s core beliefs: “All people have the right to live, love, work, play and pursue their own life aspirations.”
Here are the first four key principles, as stated on the Charting the LifeCourse website [link:]:
Focusing on All People
ALL people, regardless of age, ability or family role, are considered in our vision, values, policies and practices for supporting people and families. All families, including relatives and friends, have choices and access to the support they need.
Recognizing the Person Within the Context of Their Family (friends and supports)
People exist and have reciprocal roles within a family system, including friends and support, defined by that individual. Roles adjust as the individual members of the family system change and age. The entire family, individually and as a whole, needs support to ensure they all are able to successfully live their good life.
Trajectory of Life Experiences Across the Lifespan
People and families can focus on a specific life stage, with an awareness of how prior, current, and future life stages impact and influence their trajectory. It is important to have a vision for a good, quality life and have opportunities, experiences and support to move the life trajectory in a positive direction.
Achieving Life Outcomes
People and their supports, including their families and friends plan for present and future life outcomes that take into account all facets of life and have opportunities for life experiences that build self-determination, social capital, economic sufficiency, and community inclusion.
As one of the organizations that implements this framework, we at SCI are dedicated to following its principles and ideas. In a future blog post, we’ll talk about the final four key principles of Charting the LifeCourse. For now, don’t forget to sign up for our X [link:], Facebook [link:], and LinkedIn [link:] accounts to stay on top of what’s new.