SCI Advocacy

SCI Advocacy
Kelby Brick, Esq., CDI, SCI’s Chief Strategy Officer, with other advocates and leaders and the Maryland Governor’s Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, attended the Maryland State House in Annapolis to discuss various issues, including accessibility, education, housing, services and other public policy matters.
In attendance were (from left to right) John Ruske, Acting President of Metro Washington Association of the DeafBlind, Kate Breen, Acting Director of the Governor’s Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Toyin Fasakin MDAD Member at Large, Lt. Governor Aruna Miller, Tina Joyner, President of Maryland Association of the Deaf, GODHH Communication and Policy Manager Payal Sharmacharya, Kelby Brick, Private Citizen and Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer of Service Coordination, Inc., Isidore Niyongabo, President of National Black Deaf Advocates, and Janet Weinstock, President of Maryland Deaf Senior Citizens.