Preparing for May’s Employment Data Collection

A reminder to be preparing for this year’s first Employment Data Collection period in the month of May.
Providers of Meaningful Day Services (Supported Employment, Employment Discovery & Customization, Community Learning Services, Career Exploration and Day Habilitation Services) are to document various employment and community outcomes in DDA’s Employment Outcome Information System for a two-week period within the month of May, 2019. Providers will have until June 30, 2019 to submit their data in the system.
If you need a refresher related to the data collection expectations see the resources and instructions below:
Original webinar outlining purpose and scope of data initiative
Webinar on how to use the data system
Webinar on system updates in 2018
Maryland DDA Employment Outcome Information System Instructions
Maryland DDA Employment Outcome Information System FAQ
If you have questions about the data collection feel free to contact