Office of Disability Employment Policy Criteria for Performance Excellence

The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) has provider transformation resources that focus on the criteria for performance excellence for Employment First state systems.
Leadership & Setting the Tone for Change
Leadership is essential to the transformation process. Agency and Board leadership both create and drive the vision of what transformation means to the agency, and to its staff, partners, and the people and families the agency serves.
Strategic Planning
Translating leadership and vision into action begins with a Strategic Planning process that includes a thorough understanding of the agency’s ‘current state’, including its Values, Vision and Mission statements, and plots the agency’s future direction, and how it will be achieved.
Making it Happen-Operational Focus
With a strategic vision now defined, agencies begin to implement their plan through pilots of new services that are then sustained and expanded. This segment explores how agencies can plan funding reallocation for the transformation process and new funding opportunities that will be available to agencies that offer competitive integrated employment services.
This segment explores how agencies can plan for the funding needs of the transformation process, and the new funding reallocation opportunities that will be available to agencies that offer competitive integrated employment services.
Individualized Planning & Service-Consumer Focus
Naturally, no stakeholder group will be more significantly impacted by the transformation process than the individuals served by the agency. Transformation will create new options and opportunities for people with disabilities and their families, and will require a new set of skills for the staff and leaders who serve them.
Reorganizing Staff for Transformative Change
Not only will staff learn new skills through the transformation process, the basic management structure used by the agency will shift to accommodate the need for individualized, flexible, and community-based services for individuals with disabilities. This segment explores the new opportunities that may be available to staff, and the way that job descriptions, management structures, and teams may evolve in response to the process.
Data Collection & Analysis
Understanding the transformation process and its impact on both the agency and the individuals it serves to require a precise and thorough data collection and continuous quality improvement process. This capacity will allow the agency in a transformation to clearly understand what is working, and what still needs work, and will, therefore, make the transformation process far more efficient and effective. This segment explores the new opportunities that may be available to staff and make the transformation process far more measurable, efficient and effective.
To view more in-depth resources, including recorded webinars, about each of the focus areas, click here.