Meaningful Day Frequently Asked Questions

As the DDA continues to operationalize new or updated Meaningful Day services and systems, we are developing guidance documents that will take many forms.
At the link below, you will find a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) related to Meaningful Day services and service alignment.
The DDA understands that there will continue to be ongoing questions and we remain committed to providing ongoing support, but it’s important to remain focused on the vision of Employment First:
- Create a vision where people with disabilities of working age have access and opportunities to be full participating members of their communities
- Create a systems framework that is centered on the premise that all people that want to work, including those with the most significant disabilities, can work when given the right supports
- Raise expectations that people of working age will choose work as their first preferred outcome and service choice
- Raise capacity among service providers to meet the needs of people
- Collaborate with state partners to support the vision of employment first all along a person’s life trajectory, including the transition from school to work
- Work with people and families to create a system that is responsive and meets the needs of people
Click here for the FAQ, which will also be made available on the DDA Employment First page.