Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS)

As part of the DDA’s commitment to doing business efficiently, effectively, and professionally, the DDA’s transformation involves the reshaping of waiver programs, policies, processes and Information Technology (IT) systems to better serve Marylanders with developmental disabilities and support person centered practices. Over the last several years, the DDA has been working with an external system vendor to develop a DDA-specific system in the statewide LTSS IT platform.
LTSS is currently being used by other Maryland Department of Health (MDH) programs including Community First Choice, Community Options Waiver, Community Personal Assistance Services, the Brain Injury Waiver, and the Medical Day Care Waiver. For the DDA, the system will provide functionality to support DDA eligibility, waiting list tracking, waiver enrollment, case management, person-centered planning, and service authorization. LTSS will also facilitate information sharing across MDH programs to better coordinate care to individuals.
What does LTSS mean for me?
Individuals and Families
LTSS will help to enable DDA’s transition to person-centered planning helping individuals achieve their definition of a meaningful life. LTSS will facilitate increased transparency in the planning process through plans of service, measurable outcomes and support for the authorization of new services under the waivers.
Coordinators of Community Services (CCS)
LTSS will streamline current processes and support better coordination with the DDA.
LTSS will increase visibility into service authorization and offer streamlined and timely billing entry, claim resolution and payment.
LTSS functionality for the DDA will be released incrementally as it is developed. The first major release of DDA functionality is scheduled for Aug. 1, 2018, and includes significant functionality for DDA eligibility, waiting list tracking, waiver enrollment, case management, and person-centered planning. Future releases are expected through the end of calendar year 2019.
In future newsletter updates, please be on the lookout for key functionality spotlights that illustrate how LTSS will support person-centered planning and streamline existing processes.