Life Domains – Safety and Security!

At SCI, we believe in A World for Everyone – a world of inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility. To achieve this, we’re continually enhancing our service delivery and systems for Maryland residents, closely incorporating the Charting the LifeCourse framework.
The Charting the LifeCourse framework, according to its website, is “an authentic grassroots activity, driven by the core belief that ‘all people have the right to live, love, work, play and pursue their life aspirations.’”
Part of the framework is the Life Domains, which are aspects and experiences in our lives that change as we grow and become older. These Life Domains are interconnected and can help a person determine what they need to build their ideal life.
One Life Domain is Safety and Security, which Charting the LifeCourse defines as:
Staying safe from abuse, exploitation and injury; Preparing for emergency or disaster situations; legal rights with regard to decision making, end of life, and other legal issues.
Within this Life Domain are three subdomains: personal safety/awareness, public safety, and legal and financial.
Together, these subdomains form an important part of a person’s life. A person’s ability to feel safe has a major impact on their ability to choose and pursue their ideal life. By defining these characteristics as a Life Domain, Charting the LifeCourse creates a framework for organizations like SCI as we work to provide the best case management services we can.