Join The Arc MD, Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council, Disability Rights Maryland, People Power of Howard County, and People on the Go Maryland for a Presidential Forum on Disability Issues Watch Party.

Monday, January 13, 2020 | 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM
The Meeting House
5885 Robert Oliver Pl.
Room 202
Columbia, MD 21045
Please join The Arc Maryland, Disability Rights Maryland, Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council, People Power of Howard County, and People on the Go Maryland for a watch party, including a live stream of the Presidential Forum, led by The American Association of People with Disabilities.
Networking and refreshments begin at 10:30 am. Starting at 11:00 am, the forum will be live streamed. During the forum, we will have a live Bingo game with prizes as the candidates discuss their disability platforms.
The American Association of People with Disabilities and REV UP Texas invited presidential candidates to a forum on disability issues in Austin Texas.
Please arrive at 10:30 am for networking and refreshments. Starting at 11:00 am, the forum will be live streamed. During the forum, we will have a live Bingo game with prizes as the candidates discuss their disability platforms.
When you vote, you chose who represents the disability community. You have the power to choose who represents you in your local, state, and national government. The people that you vote for will decide how important programs for people with disabilities, (like Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income) work.
Date: Monday, January 13, 2020
Start Time: 10:30 am EST
End Time: 1:00 pm EST
Location: The Meeting House
5885 Robert Oliver Pl., Room 202
Columbia, MD 21045
Please let us know if you can make it by registering at the link below:
We will have snacks, play games, and learn about the current status of disability issues.
Please contact Arylon Brooks for more information.