Jacob and Kelly’s Story

From Staff Reports @ The Garrett County Republican
DEER PARK – Garrett County Habitat for Humanity held the home dedication ceremony for the Jacob and Kelly Friend June 29 at their Hope Land Village development near Deer Park.
The Friends were welcomed into their new home at 142 Frank Custer Drive by a group of more than 30 friends, family and Habitat supporters.
Garrett County Habitat holds a dedication ceremony for each new family that purchases a Habitat Home. Brent Stone, executive director, officiated the ceremony, while Pastor Carl Fike gave the invocation.
Affiliate President Fred Eggleston presented the Friends with a hammer; the hammer symbolizes all the work the family did on their home and other Habitat projects. Habitat volunteer Ida Maust presented the family with a Bible; the Bible symbolizes the Habitat’s Christian ministry to help families in need receive decent, safe, affordable housing.
Stone presented the Friends with the keys to their home, symbolizing the transition of the house into a family’s home. Fred Eggleston also presented the family with a fire extinguisher, compliments of Rockville United Church. Pillar of Life Mennonite Church presented the family with a handmade comforter. Virginia Grove read the “Bless this House” poem, and Fike closed the ceremony with the Dedication Prayer. Food for the dedication ceremony was provided by the GCHFH Hospitality Committee.
The Friends purchased their home after completing the Garrett County Habitat for Humanity’s application process. As part of the process the family had to complete 500 hours of “Sweat Equity” on their home and other Habitat projects, as well as complete mandatory homeowner education courses. Upon completion of the application process Garrett County Habitat sells the home to the Partner Family at cost, and supplies the family with a 30-year, fixed 0% mortgage.
It is the mission of Garrett County Habitat for Humanity to provide lower income families in need with safe, decent, affordable homes. This is only possible with the support of the community and with the hard work of many volunteers.
This article appeared in the local Oakland Newspaper The Garrett County Republican on Thursday, August 2, 2018.
Note: Service Coordinator Debbie Baird works with Jacob and Kelly Friend.