Cynthia’s Story

Ms. Haddaway is 64 years young! She was born and raised in Baltimore, MD. Ms. Haddaway was a nursing assistant for over 10 years. She stated that she loved helping older people! Ms. Haddaway has one daughter and four grandchildren who she is very close with. Ms. Haddaway first went into the nursing home in 2012 when she broke her ankle. Ms. Haddaway was there for 1 year recovering until she was able to move into an assisted living facility. Once she regained her mobility, Ms. Haddaway was able to move back in with her daughter. Unfortunately, another break caused Ms. Haddaway to go back into the nursing home in 2016. This time it was her leg that broke, leaving her in the nursing home for over 2 years.
Ms. Haddaway’s social worker, Monica suggested applying to the Community Options (CO) Waiver. Ms. Haddaway, with the help of Monica, applied to the program. Ms. Haddaway then chose to work with Service Coordination, Inc. where she was assigned to her Supports Planner, Brooke Dasch.
Brooke worked very closely with Ms. Haddaway and her family to create a plan of service (POS) addressing Ms. Haddaway’s needs. Ms. Haddaway reported difficulty walking and standing for long periods of time. She stated that she would need assistance with cooking, walking/transporting, and bathing. Ms. Haddaway also stated that she would need assistance finding a place to live, specifically somewhere close to her daughter. With Ms. Haddaway’s needs in mind, Brooke suggested personal assistance hours and home delivered meals, both of which Ms. Haddaway gladly agreed. Brooke worked diligently calling apartment complex after apartment complex until she came across the perfect place! An affordable, 1-bedroom/1 bathroom senior apartment complex less than 2 miles from her daughter with a senior center attached to the building! After seeing the apartment complex, Ms. Haddaway exclaimed, “This is too good to be true!”
However, the good news did not stop there! Brooke mentioned to Ms. Haddaway that she is eligible for both Transition Funds (TF) and Money Follows the Person (MFP) Funds. Brooke explained that TF are to be used for obtaining housing, furniture, essential personal/household items, and small appliances. While MFP funds would be available for groceries, over the counter medication, and nutritional supplements. Together, Brooke and Ms. Haddaway created a wish list of all desired items. Brooke was able to submit the plan for approval, and within a few weeks, Ms. Haddaway’s POS was approved and she was ready to transition.
As the transition date neared, Brooke made sure that Ms. Haddaway’s requested items were delivered. Brooke met Ms. Haddaway at the nursing home and her new apartment the day of the transition to ensure everything went off without a hitch. Ms. Haddaway moved out on December 12, 2018. Ms. Haddaway stated, “The process has been both very stressful and exciting. I thought the program was too good to be true so I was apprehensive about getting out. Brooke calmed my nerves and helped me get all these nice things though. I’m so glad I was able to apply.”