Cultivating Youth Leadership and Self-Advocacy through the Maryland Transition Digital Portfolio
The Council is pleased to announce that it will fund training and technical assistance by Tilson & Diaz Solutions, Inc. to provide transition professionals from school systems in Caroline, Carroll, and Anne Arundel counties with tools to help students increase their self-advocacy skills and become actively engaged in the development and use of Digital Transition Portfolios.
In collaboration with the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), Tilson & Diaz will present trainings through September 2017. Participants will mentor colleagues both in their local school systems and statewide through portfolio academies.
Digital Transition Portfolios are personalized online tools that prepare students with disabilities for life after school. These platforms assign real-world projects that align with student-specific needs, providing the opportunity to develop valuable skills and feedback on accomplishments. Students can make their portfolios public as personal websites displaying their achievements.
As a result of this training, transition professionals from each school system will be equipped to ensure students increase their self-advocacy skills and use portfolios to their fullest capabilities. For more information about this initiative, click here.