Council Awards $284,712 for Leadership Development Initiatives

The Arc Maryland received $199,712 for a two-year continuation of its Partners in Policymaking® grant.This grant will train individuals with developmental disabilities and their family members to become effective advocates for long-term change affecting their lives and the lives of others in meaningful ways.
The Parents’ Place of Maryland received $75,000 for continuation of their LEADers grant.This year’s grant will provide leadership training to parents of children with developmental disabilities in Western Maryland and on the Eastern Shore so they can create systemic change in their communities. Outreach and follow-up activities on the Eastern Shore will emphasize reaching LEADers graduates and cultivating additional relationships with parents of children with developmental disabilities in Spanish-speaking and Haitian communities.
The Parents’ Place of Maryland also received $10,000 for its new tool, Serving on Groups that Make Decisions: A Guide for Families.This initiative will increase the number of family members in decision-making groups at the state and local level.
To learn more about the Council’s current initiatives, please click here.