Council Awards $250,000 in New and Continuation Grants

The Council recently funded two advocacy initiatives supporting training for people with developmental disabilities and their families.
The Council awarded $150,000 to Shared Support Maryland, Inc. for the project Expectations Matter: “My Life, My Plan, My Choice.” This initiative focuses on the Developmental Disabilities Administration’s person-centered planning (PCP) process. People with developmental disabilities should be informed and engaged in the development of their plan and define what is important to them. Shared Support will develop PCP training modules and training guides and conduct 28 training sessions statewide with the funding received.
People on the Go of Maryland (POG) received $100,000 to further support the Enhancing Advocacy and Public Policy Work grant. People with developmental disabilities should effectively advocate for themselves and others and influence issues that are important to them. By expanding the network of advocates across Maryland through outreach to local advocacy groups, POG will improve policies, legislation, and programs that affect the lives of people with developmental disabilities.
To learn more about the work of the Maryland Development Disabilities Council, please click here. To learn more about the Council’s current initiatives, please click here.