Aji’s Story

Aji has a strong passion for working with children, and is driven to pursue a career in education. Her plan is to work in the school setting where she can support students’ learning and academic success.
Aji began by volunteering in several classrooms and in school libraries; but after 5 years of volunteering and several attempts to pass college courses and exams that would make her eligible for various paid positions in the public-school system, Aji was eager to gain work experience. Aji has Spina Bifida and uses a walker and wheelchair as a means for mobility. Unfortunately, she was rejected from a paid, child-care position for which she applied because she could not fully perform the functions of the job.
Using this disappointment as a motivation to move forward, Aji’s Employment Specialist at Jewish Social Service Agency (JSSA) and JSSA’s Employment Development Coordinator (EDC) collaborated to identify Kids After Hours (KAH), a family-owned Before & After-School Program housed in several public schools in Montgomery County. After meeting Aji, and hearing how passionate she is about children and education, the EDC immediately went to KAH’s office and advocated for Aji with their Hiring Manager. Aji was granted an interview for the next day and was hired on the spot! Aji just started her second school year as a KAH Counselor and absolutely loves her job! In her words, Aji “does not let [her] disability get in [her] way,” and feels that she is now closer than ever to achieving her goal.