Category Archives: Stories


Bully Prevention

Posted on October 19th, 2023
As a community, we are united in our efforts to protect all children and create Safe Environments for everyone, especially those who are vulnerable.
Let’s all learn and know the tips for bully prevention, specifically for young people with disabilities.
Watch the video below for more information.

National Case Management Week!

Posted on October 11th, 2023
Happy National Case Management Week! For over 30 years, SCI has cared for people in our community with intellectual and developmental disabilities, identifying resources, initiating connections, and navigating systems through our Supports Planning and Coordination of Community Services.
People First is our promise, and this is reflected in our commitment to the communities and the people we support! Thank you

Indigenous Peoples Day!

Posted on October 9th, 2023

Indigenous Peoples Day!

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day! Today, we celebrate the rich heritage, diverse cultures, and invaluable contributions of Indigenous Peoples. We collectively recognize and honor the enduring wisdom, knowledge, and history of the original inhabitants of this land.
At its core, this day represents a commitment to valuing ALL people and their contributions to society. It’s a reminder that

World Smile Day!

Posted on October 6th, 2023
World Smile Day!
It’s officially World Smile Day. At SCI, we strive to make people smile every day by providing supportive resources to help them achieve their goals, pursue their passions, or even live independently for the first time. And that makes us smile, too!
We put a smile on Ms. Odette’s face when she was approved for additional hours

Mental Health Awareness Week

Posted on October 4th, 2023
How are you feeling? It’s Mental Health Awareness Week, so self-check and touch base with your friends and family.
SCI understands the importance of mental health, especially for caregivers who often put the needs of others ahead of their own.
Check out the video by The National Alliance on Mental Illness about mental health tips from Caregivers and other mental

National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Posted on October 2nd, 2023
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). At SCI, we take great pride in supporting and celebrating the incredible contributions of America’s workers with disabilities, both past and present.
Through our Coordination of Community Services Program and our Supports Planning Services Program, we empower individuals to identify and pursue their ideal lives, including finding and maintaining a job and

Hispanic Heritage Month

Posted on September 28th, 2023
Hispanic Heritage Month
At SCI, we’re committed to building a world where everyone belongs, differences are celebrated, and all people have the opportunity to pursue their ideal life.
Latinos have played pivotal roles in American history since the Revolution, enriching our nation’s tapestry. Hispanic Heritage Month lets us honor their integral part in our community.
Representation matters!  Latinos lead in

Disability Intersectionality

Posted on September 27th, 2023

Disability Intersectionality

Have you heard of Disability Intersectionality? Microsoft shared an educational video about the subject and how it can affect people in the community.
“Disability Intersectionality focuses on how people with lived experiences are impacted by other intersecting identities,” said Microsoft.
Learn how in the video below and watch other disability-related videos in their Accessibility At a Glance series.

Lego Braille Bricks

Posted on September 6th, 2023

Lego Braille Bricks

With inclusive play in mind, Lego has released a Braille version for children ages six and up to enjoy. Families everywhere can now bring home the Lego Braille bricks with 287 bricks in various colors and activities compatible with all Lego sets.
Lisa, a mother of 2 girls, one of whom lost her vision at a young

Autism Action Partnership

Posted on September 6th, 2023
Autism Action Partnership
What do Nebraska’s law enforcement and the Autism Action Partnership have in common? A genuine community connection, thanks to a partnership that helps teens and adults with autism connect with law enforcement.
Through these collaborations, teens with autism learn how to interact with police officers, and officers are trained to know the characteristics of autism and