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Building a Strong Foundation!

Posted on May 14th, 2023

Building a Strong Foundation!

“Building a Strong Foundation” — they’re such powerful words and this year’s Better Speech and Hearing Month (BSHM) theme. Founded by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, this month-long celebration aims to make effective communication a human right, and accessible and achievable for all.

SCI can connect you to available community services and resources like assistive technology and …

Happy National Nurses Week!

Posted on May 12th, 2023

Happy National Nurses Week!

It’s time to wrap up the week, and there is no better way than to celebrate those who positively make an impact.

It’s National Nurses Week!

Did you know the U.S. Department of Labor and The National Organization of Nurses with Disabilities work collaboratively to ensure the inclusion of people with disabilities in healthcare? We celebrate …

Giddy Up for Mental Health!

Posted on May 9th, 2023

Giddy Up for Mental Health!

Horses and therapy go hand and hand. Or shall we say foot and hoof?

Horses and humans have always had a special bond, but now they have trotted their way into our mental health. Just one horseback riding lesson can become therapeutic magic for those with disabilities!

Read this informative article from Nice News detailing …

We Love Teachers!

Posted on May 8th, 2023

We Love Teachers!

Happy National Teacher Appreciation Week!

SCI sends a special thank you to teachers! Did you know SCI helps students with developmental disabilities transition from high school to adult services by creating individualized plans to support their unique goals and needs? Our Transitioning Youth (TY) program assists eligible students through the Governor’s Transitioning Youth Initiative. For more information,

There’s Room at the Table for Everyone This Cinco de Mayo!

Posted on May 5th, 2023

There’s Room at the Table for Everyone This Cinco de Mayo!

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Did you know that Cinco de Mayo is not Mexican Independence Day? This is a popular misconception, but the holiday actually commemorates the Battle of Puebla in 1862, where the Mexican army defeated the French during the Franco-Mexican War. In fact, Mexican independence was declared …

Happy Older Americans Month!

Posted on May 5th, 2023

Happy Older Americans Month!

To all the golden agers out there – keep shining! As we celebrate the wisdom and experience that comes with age, we want to remind you that if you need support living the life you want, SCI is here to help. Whether it’s assistance with daily tasks or connecting you with resources in your community, our …

Let’s Party Like It’s 1971!

Posted on May 4th, 2023

Let’s Party Like It’s 1971!

Diversity helps people feel included. And that sense of inclusion can be found in many places — even an advertisement!

In 1971, Coca-Cola’s iconic “Hilltop” commercial was a breakthrough example of how powerful inclusion can be. The ad brought a diverse group of people from all over the world together to sing and celebrate unity, …

Inclusive Barbie!

Posted on April 27th, 2023

Inclusive Barbie!

Hooray for representation and inclusion! Later this month, a Barbie doll with Down syndrome will make its debut! She will be in good company. Mattel continues to offer a diverse selection, including dolls with hearing aids, wheelchairs, alopecia, and vitiligo. The 2023 collection will also feature a Ken doll with a prosthetic leg. Learn more information on this

Celebrating Autism Awareness Month

Posted on April 26th, 2023

Celebrating Autism Awareness Month

SCI celebrates you! We celebrate differences that makes us all unique and we actively work daily to empower and provide opportunities for those we support to make their own choices and decisions for their life. Autism Acceptance Month is ending, but our charge to make a difference never will. Visit SCI’s blog page to read stories …

Shoutout Jackie and Mike!

Posted on April 24th, 2023

Shoutout Jackie and Mike!

Shoutout Jackie and Mike, two incredible Service Coordinators, for their commitment to our people first approach! “Thank you for your professionalism, care and support,” said Sally, Stepmother of Zach, a person we support.…