EL’s Story
An SCI Coordinator of Community Services (CCS) is working with EL, a young man who had lived with his family his whole life, and who chose not to enter services at his Transitioning Youth (TY) year. EL was living at home with his Mom, who suddenly died from a terminal illness, leaving his older brother to care for him. EL moved in with his brother and family. Due to the trauma of losing his mother, EL became aggressive and his brother was forced to move him into another home temporarily for the safety of EL and the entire family. EL’s brother and sister-in-law took turns staying with EL and reached out to the CCS for assistance with housing for him. The strain on the family after losing their mother, in addition to caring for EL became more than they were able to handle on their own. The CCS quickly located a provider, obtained emergency respite funds from both the Developmental Disabilities Administration and the Department of Social Services (DSS), and in a short period of time was able to move EL into a new home where he is currently thriving.