Reminder: October Employment Data Collection

What: All DDA Meaningful Day providers are required to submit data, twice annually, for all people they support who receive Day Habilitation, Employment Discovery and Customization, Career Exploration, Community Development Services or Supported Employment. Providers of Meaningful Day Services are to document various employment and community outcomes via DDA’s web-based, Employment Outcome Information System for a two-week period within the month of October 2019.
When: Providers will choose any concurrent 2 week period in the month of October during which they will track the designated outcomes. Providers will have until December 6, 2019 to submit their data into the system.
Why: The DDA, in partnership with the SELN, created a robust data collection system to inform stakeholders and leaders of progress toward employment goals, and opportunities to improve system’s performance. This data assists DDA in making policy and budgetary decisions.
The Data system is designed to help DDA and its community of stakeholders to develop the supports and infrastructure necessary to fulfill the vision and goals of Maryland’s Position Statement on Employment Services, and to provide longitudinal data that support Maryland’s goals to improve both participation in integrated employment and the quality of employment outcomes.
More information:
If you need a refresher related to the data collection expectations see the resources and instructions below:
Original webinar outlining purpose and scope of data initiative
Webinar on how to use the data system
Webinar on system updates in 2018
Maryland DDA Employment Outcome Information System Instructions
Maryland DDA Employment Outcome Information System FAQ
Homepage of the Maryland DDA Employment Data Initiative:
If you have questions about the data collection feel free to contact