SMRO- Governors Transitioning Youth Initiative – November 14, 2019

When:  Thursday, November 14, 2019 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EDT

Where:  SMRO- DDA
312 Marshall Ave, #700
Laurel, MD 20707
Driving Directions

Contact:  Developmental Disabilities Administration

Transition is more than about just services; it’s also about values. The DDA has adopted an Employment First philosophy and seeks to align its service delivery system with that philosophy.

Transition planning is when a student with a disability, along with family members, the school system, and service providers, begin to officially plan for life after high school.

Transition planning should begin when you are 14 (if not earlier!).  This may sound very early, but if you plan to apply for services you may need to get your applications in before you graduate so your supports are ready for you when you leave school.

Overview of Training

1. Importance of planning

2. Eligibility

3. Transition Programs & Services

4. Employment First

5. DDA Waivers

Who should attend?

• Self-advocates
• Family members/Allies

Register Now!