Waiver Amendment
The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) received input on the DDA Waiver Amendments #1 2019 from various stakeholders including self-advocates, family members, advocacy groups, and providers. We are considering all input that has been shared with us to support participants as they work toward individually defined life outcomes, self-determination, community living, socialization, and economic self-sufficiency. We are reviewing our proposals and stakeholder input with our priority focus areas, including transformation strategies, federal requirements, and DDA policies.
Based on input received, the DDA will be making the following adjustments, including but not limited to:
- Behavioral Support Services behavioral consultation supports billing unit will change from an hour to a 15- minute unit;
- Career Exploration 90- day limit will not apply to people currently receiving services. People currently receiving Career Exploration will create an employment goal within their Person-Centered Plan during their annual team process that outlines their trajectory and transition time frame toward community integrated employment. New people requesting Career Exploration, after July 1, 2020, can be authorized for up to three months of services;
- Respite services will be increased from 360 hours (15 days) to 720 hours (30 days) with an exception process for the use of hourly and licensed respite services in addition to the $7,248 for camp.
We appreciate the feedback and input shared. In the next several weeks we will post final track change documents to the dedicated DDA Amendment #1 2019 webpage. The DDA will continue to partner with people in services, self-advocates, family members, service providers, advocacy organizations, and subject matter experts to enhance services and supports for Marylanders with developmental disabilities.